Basically, MUI is a collection of libraries which allow programmers to
easily create and maintain graphical user interfaces. Besides from a few
very simple approaches, MUI was the first tool of this category to go a
completely new and object oriented way. Constant development and continued
support from users and programmers over the past years have made MUI by
far the most successfull available GUI toolkit for the Amiga platform.
MUI always went one step further as other products, consequently
implementing and further developing modern guidelines of user
interface design. The basic philosophy behind MUI lies within
the following short sentence:
Offer as much freedom as possible to users
by taking away as much work as possible from programmers.
This simple guideline has always been and will always be the major point
in MUI. A programmer only specifies very few aspects about his user
interfaces directly, thus reducing his work and leaving lots of room for
later customization by the user.
MUI reaches its goals by following modern, object oriented approaches in
specifying window layouts. Elements are not placed directly to some
fixed locations but are instead grouped in special containers which then
dynamically control display and positioning. During this process, MUI
has the chance to take the users preferences into account, making all
applications look like the user likes it best.
MUI's modern concepts enable a great number of powerful
features, reaching from resolution and font
sensitivity to an unmatched number of configuration options.